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balance your learn/work schedule is a success factor to your business, don't ignore it!!

 It's crucial to spend 80% of your time working and 20% of your time studying when you start something new.

How many of you have ever made the error of studying 90% of the time and applying what you learned only 10% of the time?
✋️ I was really bad about that!
When I first started my business, I spent most of my time learning and very little time really putting what I had learned into practice. I quickly realized that this wasn't producing the results I needed, so
So I changed my strategy
It's great to put your head down and learn when your starting off
Absorbing the information
It's the only way you can figure out what you need to do when your brand new in the business world 🌎

But at the end of the day the only way you will see results is by doing the work
you shouldn't be studying or learning anything new ​ untill you get your work done every day
Studying is fine when you are just starting off But the most important step after is to..
✅️ pick a method
✅️ stick with it
✅️ be consistent and make it work
Don't implement a new strategy every week just because it seems more enticing than the previous one.
That is why people struggle.
Learning how to accomplish something is one thing, but putting that knowledge into practice is quite another.
If you don't put in the effort, you'll never achieve the outcomes you want.
You can discover what techniques work best for you by putting them to use!
This is the only way forward ➡️
